Introduction: A Vengeful President Takes Power
When I look at President Trump’s actions the first week and into this week, you and I both know what he is doing. He is pleasing his primary MAGA Republican and wealthy donors. When you look at the list of things he has done, I doubt serious that any of you that voted for him because of the economy had no clue how harmful his actions could be to you and most Americans. He does not need to make America great again; we are a great nation that has always cared about law and order and all the people in America. In our past, we have not invested in revengeful actions from a President; however, we now have a vengeful President.
The State of the Nation Trump Inherited: A Strong Foundation at Risk
It is time to look at what Trump has received as a United States. I am going to take you to some factual data provided by The Week, January 17, 2025, with an article that was written by Peter Baker of The New York Times entitled “The successes Trump will inherit.”
- There are no U.S. troop fighting in war abroad.
2. Unemployment is at a historic low.
3.“Stock markets have soared in their best two years since the 1990s.”
4. Opioid deaths and murder have fallen.
5. We defeated COVID.
6.Our domestic energy production and manufacturing have expanded, and wages are rising.
Fear and Propaganda: The Tools of Trump’s Campaign
1.“19% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country.”
2.Trump’s relentless propaganda and a fragmented “choose your own news media and online ecosphere’s” persuaded Americans to adopt Trump’s view of America as “a nation ravaged by crisis, a desolate hellscape of crime and chaos, and economic hardship.”
3.The negativity and fear based propaganda by Trump helped him win the election.
4.“But though he continues to say the country is “a total mess,” he will inherit the benefits of the Biden administration’s accomplishments—and we have to press for actions that will avoid reversals.
Trump’s First Week: A Flood of Pardons and Power Plays
Trump Returns with an outrageous number of pardons and orders that please his MAGA supporters and his wealthy friends who are a part of the cabinet he has put forth to be approved by the Congress. My Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher in her newsletter on January 24, 2025, Friday at 8:39 PM has addressed many of Trump’s actions. I am going to include the comments also from The Week, January 31, 2025, in the article, “Trump returns with a barrage of orders, pardons.”
The Backlash: A Betrayal of Law Enforcement and Democracy
Trump’s pardons have sparked outrage across the political spectrum.
- He pardoned nearly 1,600 people convicted of offenses that are related to January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. I truly believe this is a betrayal by President Trump of all the police officers that kept our congressional officers safe that day. He also pardoned “violent offenders who assaulted law enforcement officers and illegally carried firearms or other weapons on the Capitol grounds. Fourteen were convicted of seditious conspiracy against the United States.” Lizzie Fletcher has made it very clear that “these outrageous pardons and commutations are an insult to the rule of law and to law enforcement—including the Capitol Police officers, Metropolitan Police, and others who defended democracy” that day. I have worked as a consultant for Police departments and pardoning violent criminals who were convicted of assaulting police officers is unacceptable. Don’t kid yourself. This is a message that if you do what Trump tells you to do then you will be protected. Forget the rest of us.
In The Week The Philadelphia Inquirer supports what congresswoman Fletcher has said and states “he erred badly in his inexcusable Jan. 6 pardons for those convicted of ‘bludgeoning, chemical spraying, and electroshocking police.’ They will prove a ‘stain on Trump’s legacy.” Please know that Trump and Vice President Vance had said previously that they would not pardon violent offenders.
Aaron Black from The Washington Post says, “Many GOP law makers opposed pardoning violent offenders who injured more than 140 police officers, as did three-quarters of Americans.” Noah Rothman in National Review says, “This is a recipe for more political violence.” All you that voted for Trump that are so fearful of violence you just put Trump in office, and he pardoned violent offenders.
2.Trump is attempting to end Birthright Citizenship. This is an effort to end birthright citizenship for children of immigrants born in the United States whose parents are not U.S. citizens. There are massive suits from 22 states and a Federal Judge that Reagon appointed has said it is “blatantly unconstitutional.” The fourteen amendment of the Constitution (Ratified in 1868) has established that people who are born in the U.S. are U.S. citizens. Obviously, Trump is playing to his MAGA supporters and could care less about what this kind of action would do to million of children that have been born in American. Thank goodness we have judges, states and legal professional, who say no to this action. We will show what the law can do to stop such an inappropriate action by Trump.
I have written podcast on his constantly creating chaos to overwhelm us so we will not pay attention to what he is doing, get tired and give up fighting him, and that is not going to happen. There are outstanding progressive lawyers and Judges that believe in the law, and they will stand firm. We as citizens must do the same.
3.“Declaring a National Emergency at the Southern Border and Ordering Changes to Immigration Policy and Procedures.” Here are the effects of his executive orders concerning immigration:
a)He has declared the southern border as a national emergency;
b) Suspending the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (which prevents immigrants that had appointments to be interviewed to be able to enter our country);
c) He is planning to not only eliminate immigrants who have criminal records, which I can support; he want to remove other undocumented immigrants and build detention centers. Fletcher has indicated that this “requires a review of all cases for all immigrants now in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status, many of whom live in our district in Texas.
d) He is attempting to stop distribution of federal money to non-governmental organizations ‘supporting or providing services, either directly or indirectly, to removable or illegal aliens,’ and laying the ground for bans on immigration from certain countries,” which he did in his last administration.
4.Trump seems to think that energy is a national emergency, and these are actions to feed his lies. The United States is producing energy at record levels. Several resources convey that energy companies are not going to produce more than they are until prices change. As congresswoman Fletcher says, “While some of the polices are welcome news to many in our district—especially efforts to address permitting delays and renewing review of LNG export permits—these actions fail to give our energy industry the regulatory certainty it needs to succeed.”
There is a lot of vagueness in his executive orders that have led to the “pausing of all funds for programs under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Trump removal of the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement will hurt our ability to collaborate with other countries to lower our global greenhouse gas emissions. Those of us who live in Houston want to ensure our country’s energy security and allowing us to address environment threats, and there are others who want the same.
Other areas that Trump has attacked are diversity, equity, inclusion and civil rights. He is gutting the federal workforce (firing or putting on leave many different employees of various department, preventing government agency from communicating with the public, and halting funding for government partners. He has put a freeze on Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health on NIH research grant reviews and travel, and removed us from the World Health Organization (WHO). He was a terrible failure in dealing with COVID and if we had not had access to these organizations along with Biden becoming president, we would have had many more deaths from COVID.
Jonathan V. Last from The Bulwark, in The Week from January 31st predicts “he is clearly gearing up to ‘subjugate the other renaming power centers in American life. An order clearing the way for mass firing of civil service workers is ‘a direct attack on the federal bureaucracy. Ending birthright citizenship is a challenge meant to test the Supreme Court.’ The Jan. 6 pardons are a green light for paramilitaries to commit violence on his behalf. ‘He is on a quest for total power, ‘ and every American should be ‘cleareyed’ about what lies ahead.”
Martin Luther King Verses Donald Trump
Matt Angle from the Lone Star Project in their newsletter on January 20, 2025, 11:03 AM entitled this letter, “a Man of God and a Goddam Disgrace.” Even though Trump thinks he has been saved by God and that is the reason he is president, I believe he has stepped into his emotional insanity to justify his actions. The last time a President was inaugurated on Martin Luther King it was President Clinton. The words being used then were ‘aligned or merged’ to describe the coincidence of the calendar. President Clinton was moving us in a positive direction looking at the bridge to the 21st century.
Angle goes on to say that the words for Trump inauguration need to be “crushed or collided” since they better describe the two dates coinciding. Any hopeful comparison of Donald Trump’s return to the White House with the life and values of MLK demean Dr. King’s memory.
Martin Luther King’s life can be an inspiration to anyone, since he sought justice, and he created a light on injustice and discrimination and refused to accept either. He confronted hate with courage, love, and reason. He was prosecuted, harassed and imprisoned for his beliefs and not his actions. Yet he defied his fears, and he lived his faith in God, and this was reflected in his life. “He knew, preached, and taught that our nation only rises when all its citizens are lifted. “
Donald Trump’s life is based on self-indulgency and indifference to others that do not support him. He was born into wealth and privilege and has exploited and abused everything he received. His multiple “bankruptcies, colossal debt, and overt corruption define his financial empire far better than any business acumen. His party that he dominates stands on the principles of dividing Americans against each other and on the pillars of hate and resentment.” The newsletter ends with this statement: “Dr. King was truly a man of God. Donald Trump is a goddam disgrace.”
Exposing Trump’s Corruption
Olivia of Troye is a former Trump official, who exposed the chaos that Trump creates. She has uncovered the risks and actions we need to take in these turbulent Times. The title of her newsletter is “The Chaos Presidency: A Warning Ignored” on January 23, 2025, Thursday, 5:11 PM.” She provides a clear message about the fact that she has said many times that Trump’s return to power and even his fierce critics have been taken by surprise at his actions.
Olivia says Trump is an easy read. “He tells you exactly what he’s going to do.” Unfortunately, people do not listen to him, gives excuses for what he is saying or invest in hope that he won’t be as bad as he sounds. Well, those that voted for Trump—Welcome to his world. She describes his priorities which are revenge, immigration overhaul, and draconian dismantling of the federal government.” He is delivering with chilling precision. He has pardoned the Jan. 6 criminals, and has terminated the civil service detail for his former national security advisor John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and others. You know what he has done with a blue state, California, and their wildfires. The House and Mike Johnson are getting into the act with all the actions his has taken and plans to take.
Here is what she says about “Trump’s newest pals, the tech billionaires who had a front row set to his inauguration, are already pushing for privatization and deregulation, undermining government functions in favor of their own interests. Meanwhile, career public servants and the vital government functions they provide will be eliminated, and the American people will ultimately feel the brunt of the cuts. She goes on to describe the people he wants in his government. Her detail of what is happening is in line with over 52 articles I have read in the media.
Trump’s Actions and Compelling News
The Washington Post in their newsletter written by Max Boot, Columnist, on January 21, 2025, Tuesday, at 4:59 PM is named the “Prompt” where he ask questions and has discussions with other journalist. They give us a way to focus on what is important. Boot is joined by Philip Bump and Jason Willick. Boot starts with “I’ll first note that, breaking a campaign promise, Trump did not actually end the Ukraine War in 24 hours. Somehow, the incoming administration even had time for petty acts of revenge such as taking down Gen. Mark Milley’s portrait at the Pentagon.
They name the more serious action that Trump took to rescind the asylum application process, even for people who already had interviews scheduled. We cannot lose sight of this action. Max says, “the odd things is that Trump is pretending that there is a huge influx of illegal immigrants, when that’s no longer the case. The easiest ‘crisis’ to solve is one that doesn’t exist. Their questions was what kind of leverage on the Kremlin will Trump apply to get Putin to negotiate.”
They note one positive thing is Trump criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin—which is rare for him to do. Trump stated that Putin was losing to many soldiers to keep the war going with the Ukraine. One of the comments was “Trump’s executive orders may be the apex of his political position. From herr on out, he’s responsible for what happens, and he becomes the target of American’s frustrations.”
There are several resources about the illegal actions he took on firing the inspector generals, and other civil servants. Public Citizen on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 2:28 PM, gave an excellent description of the illegal actions of these firings and the impact on our democracy. Here are their comments:
∙“Inspectors generals (IGs) are independent watchdogs whose job is to root out waste, fraud, and corruption in the agencies they oversee.
∙Trump fired the person whose job is to prevent waste and fraud at the Defense Department.
∙And the person in charge of identifying misconduct at the Department of Energy, The Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of the Interior, The Department of labor, The Department of State, The Depmartment of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency, and others.
∙Project 2025 (that he denied he was a part of) called for this wholesale dismissal of IGs—precisely to loosen oversight of misconduct and authoritarian overreach.
∙With the absolutely certain effect of enabling corporate contractors to rip off the government more severely.
∙And—in ironic contrast to what they claim they want to do with the so-called Department of Government Efficiency being run by Elon Musk—‘fight fraud and increase government efficiency.’”
“Trump’s firing of the IGs is illegal—the president must give Congress 30 days’ notice before firing Senate-confirmed IGs.
I would also encourage you to read The Washington Post article by Philip Bump on “The gutting of American institutions has lead to Trump gutting America itself.” It gives more details about the illegal firings IGs and other federal civil servants.
Conclusion: A Nation at a Crossroads
Trump’s first week in office has made one thing abundantly clear: he is not here to unite or strengthen America—he is here to settle scores. By prioritizing vengeance and rewarding those who undermined democracy, he is setting a dangerous precedent. As citizens, we must stay informed, speak out, and demand accountability. The future of our democracy depends on it.
I will end with a quote made by Dr. King, “the arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice.” Eric H. Holder, JR, 82nd Attorney General of the United States goes on to say “If we stand together; if we walk together; if we believe as we always have in the power of our ideals and the potential of our shared community, if we recognize and use our citizen power—not only will our cause overcome, but our country shall be made better. He is the head of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee. They do everything possible to fight gerrymandering, and we need to support their actions more, since we now have Trump as President of the U.S.
References for Podcast 117:
- The Week, “Shock and Awe, January 17, 2025, by Peter Baker of The New York Times entitled “The successes Trump will inherit.” (Here is a connection to be a subscriber)
- Congresswomen Lizzie Fletcher in her newsletter on January 24, 2025, Friday at 8:39 PM ( if you want to receive her newsletters.)
- The Week, January 31, 2025, “Trump returns with a barrage of orders, pardons,” comments by Aaron Black, , “Many GOP law makers opposed pardoning violent offenders who injured more than 140 police officers, as did three-quarters of Americans, Noah Rothman in National Review, and Jonathan V. Last in The Bulwark. (Can use this link to subscribe.)
- Matt Angel, Lone Star Project, newsletter January 20, 2025, 22:03 AM (
- Olivia of Troye, newsletter, “The Chaos Presidency: A Warning Ignored” on January 23, 2025, Thursday, 5:11 PM (Olivia of Troye <
- The Washington Post in their newsletter written by Max Boot, Columnist, on January 21, 2025, Tuesday, at 4:59 PM is named the “Prompt”
- Public Citizen on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 2:28 PM (Subscribe to This organization has a large group of supporters and they are suiting Trump for several of his actions.)
- The Washington Post article by Philip Bump on “The gutting of American institutions has led to Trump gutting America itself.” Eric H. Holder, JR, The National Democratic Redistricting Committee newsletter, Monday, January 20, 2025, at 7:13 AM (A.G. Holder