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Lies, Deception, and Harm: How Trump’s Policies Threaten America’s Future

Oct 3, 2024 ( 12 days ago)
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In today’s political climate, there is no escaping the impact of former President Donald Trump’s actions. His policies, statements, and false claims continue to shape the future of America in ways that harm democracy, erode trust, and distort reality. In this blog, we’ll delve into some key points of how Trump’s approach to leadership is built on misinformation, the dangers it poses, and why it’s essential to remain informed and vigilant.

Trump’s False Claims: Fact vs. Fiction

Trump has often taken credit for achievements that were not his, distorting facts to fit his narrative. As Glenn Kessler wrote in The Washington Post article titled “Obama and Biden achievements that Trump claims for himself,” Trump’s version of events often falls apart when examined closely. For instance, while Trump touts his work on capping insulin prices, it was President Joe Biden who passed the law ensuring all seniors benefit from this cap. Similarly, Trump’s claims about saving the auto industry or passing VA Choice are either gross exaggerations or outright fabrications, as these accomplishments originated under President Obama.

This pattern of deceit is not new, but its consequences are more significant than ever, especially in shaping public opinion.

A Dark Vision of America

Trump has cultivated a dystopian vision of the country, one that he uses to stoke fear and consolidate support. In The Washington Post, Ashley Parker explores this in her article “Donald Trump’s imaginary and frightening world.” In his speeches and rallies, Trump paints a terrifying picture of America under President Biden, full of violence, economic collapse, and chaos. He even continues to defend the insurrectionists from January 6th as peaceful protesters.

This false portrayal not only misleads his supporters but also deepens divisions within the country. It preys on the fears of ordinary citizens while spreading misinformation about the state of the nation.

Why Do Americans Still Support Trump?

One of the most pressing questions is why people continue to support Trump despite his blatant falsehoods. For many of his followers, Trump’s exaggerated claims tap into their fears and frustrations. He offers them an outlet for their pain, especially in rural America, where economic and social issues are often felt the hardest.

As highlighted in Time Magazine, Arlie Russell Hochschild’s article “How Trump Weaponized White Rural America’s Shame” explains that Trump has mastered the art of channeling shame and turning it into anger toward others. By deflecting blame and positioning himself as a protector, Trump convinces his followers that he is fighting for them, even when his policies often do more harm than good.

The Violence Fueled by Trump’s Rhetoric

Trump’s lies and rhetoric are not just dangerous because they mislead—they also incite violence. Public figures, from politicians to activists, have been targeted because of Trump’s words. Public Citizen’s recent report shows how MAGA extremists have taken Trump’s violent speech as a call to action, issuing death threats to those they see as opponents.

This escalating violence isn’t limited to words alone; it is leading to real harm. In Ohio, a sheriff’s call to “write down” addresses of homes with Harris signs is just one example of how Trump’s influence emboldens individuals to engage in bullying and intimidation. The normalization of such behavior only deepens the culture of fear and division that Trump continues to foster.

The Destruction of Policy and Progress

Beyond the lies and violence, Trump’s policies themselves threaten the long-term stability and growth of America. His fixation on oil, for example, is putting America’s future at risk. As Robinson Meyer wrote in The New York Times, “Trump’s obsession with oil could destroy America’s auto industry.” Trump’s dismantling of environmental regulations and focus on fossil fuels not only harms the planet but also sets back progress in critical industries like clean energy and electric vehicles. This shortsightedness has left the U.S. lagging behind countries like China in key areas of industrial competitiveness.

Additionally, Trump’s vague and destructive health care plans threaten the well-being of millions of Americans. His attacks on the Affordable Care Act and promises to “repeal and replace” Obamacare without offering a viable alternative would leave countless Americans without access to necessary medical services. As Catherine Rampeil points out in The Washington Post, Trump’s ideas would devastate the health-care system, leaving vulnerable populations at risk.


Donald Trump’s lies, deception, and harmful policies are not just political tactics—they are real threats to America’s future. From distorting facts to stoking violence and undermining critical industries, Trump’s impact continues to erode trust and stability. The only way to combat this is through education and staying informed. Understanding the truth behind Trump’s claims and policies is essential for protecting the values of democracy and ensuring a future where progress, not fear, shapes America’s path.

Let’s continue to question, seek the truth, and work towards a future where facts prevail over fiction.


  • Kessler, Glenn. “Obama and Biden achievements that Trump claims for himself.” The Washington Post, September 27, 2024.
  • Parker, Ashley. “Donald Trump’s imaginary and frightening world.” The Washington Post, September 23, 2024.
  • Hochschild, Arlie Russell. “How Trump Weaponized White Rural America’s Shame.” Time Magazine, September 12, 2024.
  • Meyer, Robinson. “Trump’s Obsession with Oil could Destroy America’s Auto Industry.” The New York Times, September 11, 2024.
  • Rampeil, Catherine. “Trump’s ‘concepts of a plan’ would destroy the health-care system.” The Washington Post, September 19, 2024.

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