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Faith Under Siege: Unveiling the Religious Extremism Behind Trump’s Rise

Dr. Jackalyn Rainosek
Aug 22, 2024 ( 6 months ago)
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In a time where politics and faith intersect more than ever, the fervent prayers at Donald Trump’s rallies reveal a disturbing trend. These prayers, often overlooked by the media, show how Trump’s supporters view him not just as a leader, but as a divinely anointed savior. The language used is far from traditional; it casts political opponents as literal demons, turning elections into spiritual warfare.

The rally prayers often cite biblical verses, especially from 2 Chronicles, pushing the narrative that America has broken its covenant with God. The remedy, according to these prayers, is national repentance led by Trump. This portrayal elevates Trump to a near-prophetic status, manipulating religious sentiments for political gain.

This blend of politics and religion is not just troubling; it’s dangerous. It fosters a cult-like mentality where Trump’s actions are beyond reproach, posing a significant threat to democratic principles. As we navigate these tumultuous times, it’s essential to critically examine how religious extremism is being weaponized in American politics.

For more insights into the psychological manipulation behind this movement, check out my previous podcast episodes where I delve deeper into the mindset of Trump’s extremist supporters.

References for podcast 94:

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