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Unraveling the Facade: Understanding Alarming Behavior of Trump

Dr. Jackalyn Rainosek
Aug 8, 2024 ( 6 months ago)
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Prior to starting my podcast, Hot Topic Bold Talk, I shared articles and videos on LinkedIn and social media to highlight the increasingly alarming behavior of Donald Trump. In this podcast, I will draw from my 47 years of experience in the mental health field to provide a factual analysis of Trump’s behaviors and why they are so dangerous. This episode aims to help you understand why many experts are warning against his potential return to power.

Resources Describing Erratic Behavior:

(I am going to start naming the author and resource I am quoting from, and you will receive the resource list in the video and in the description of the podcast.)  David A. Graham in The Atlantic article, “Trump’s New Racist Insult,” describes his inability to use the correct words in his continual assault of Senator Chuck Schumer. This article begins with this comment: “Weird things happen on the debate stage—just ask Joe Biden. So, when Donald Trump used Palestinian as a slur against the president during last week’s debate… (he is speaking about Israel destroying Hamas) ‘He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one. ‘” Graham goes on to say “Whether premediated or improvised, it was one of the low points of the debate for Trump, whose performance was obscured by Biden’s disaster but was full of misleading and appalling statements. And the next day, he did it again.” He uses the term Palestinian to degrade Schumer, who is Jewish. Graham continues, “First there is the idea that calling someone Palestinian is inherently pejorative. Then there is the implication that Schumer is a traitor to his own people. Next is the suggestion that Schumer’s opposition to the current Israeli government is a result of his having been bought off—an implication of scheming, an anti-Sematic trope—even though Schumer’s criticism of the current government aligns with large portions of Israeli society and military leadership… He doesn’t like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (neh than Yahu), a former ally, because of perceived personal slights.”

“But sometimes Trump reveals more than he intends. In using Palestinian this way, he’s not differentiating between Hamas and civilians, or between Hamas and Fatah, or between Gaza and the West Bank. All Palestinians are the same to him, and they are all contemptible. Another notable Trump remark from the debate is the former president has sought to increase his support among Black voters, especially Black men, but he still doesn’t seem to know how to talk about Black people. He warned that immigrants were ‘taking Black jobs now,’ argument premised on the idea that Black people do low-skill jobs and only low-skill jobs. This should come as little surprise—on The Apprentice, for example, Trump was resistant to Black contestants becoming executives. These moments are useful for remembering who Trump is. His intense focus on the criminal cases against him and the retribution he hopes to deal out for them has become the center of his campaign.” In a previous podcast, I quote another article from The Atlantic that describes in detail how the Trump Republican Party has no platform or focus as he did in 2016, since he is incapable of taking any responsibility for what he was done that would lead to his criminal conviction.

Here are a few comments from Bill Pencey’s newsletter on July 2, 2024, “Yesterday was the starkest reminder yet that the Republican’s January 6 Coup is both real and ongoing. It’s the former president. It’s the speaker of the House. And now quite clearly, it’s two thirds of our Supreme Court as well. I wish it was an exaggeration to say this Thursday could be the last July 4th that means anything. I wish so very much that future Americans always know the blessing that is government of, by, and for the people. This simply won’t happen unless we win this November 5th by a large enough margin that there’s no way for this deeply corrupted ‘Supreme’ court to steal this election.” Trump and his Republican party has completely corrupted the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court.

I live in a MAGA Republican state, Texas, and I know how awfully our state is for women, which I have addressed before, and the platform for the Texas MAGA Republican party is a complete ignoring of the respect for the three branches of a government to maintain our Democracy. Nathan Johnson is the Democratic State Senator form Dallas where he says on July 3, 2024, “Something critical and ominous is missing from the debate discussion. When asked what he (Trump) would say to voters who fear that he would again violate his oath of office by obstructing the constitutional transfer of power,” Trump reply was no guarantee of him accepting anything that was not a win for him. Johnson goes on “don’t be distracted by the lying. It’s much darker than that. Trump is trying to condition our thinking. He is saying ‘Things were better with me in power., see, and you should feel good about doing anything—even taking power through violence—to ensure my rule. Don’t worry about the constitution, or democracy. I’ll make everything great. As for that failed mob-led coup d’etat, that was just a missed opportunity. He is brazenly laying the foundation for becoming America’s Supreme Leader. (No doubt he’s jealous of his acknowledged heroes—Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and the Supreme Leaders himself, Kim Jong Un—who don’t have to worry about fair elections.)

Behaviors That Make Trump Incapable of Holding Office Again

On January 8, 2020, I authored the article entitled, “Unraveling and Mentally Disturbed President,” which was written two days after the January 6th effort of Trump and his supporters to attempt to stop the approval of lawful election results. I hope each of you will go back in time and remember what it was like to have Trump has President. It has been one of the most disturbing and disruptive times for our country. Through the four years of his presidency, we systematically saw his disturbing behavior patterns that we are seeing today. From Trump and his supporters, we have seen more vocalized support for violence and out right threats to anyone that does not support Trump or his group. I wrote in 2020, “Anyone that tries to say that the mob on Wednesday was not Trump supporters are as deranged as he is. His tweeting increased the insanity of the mob.”

Throughout his four year term, psychiatrists, psychologist and mental health professionals described Trump’s behavior. People did not pay attention to their comments then, and I am asking you to pay attention to them now. Here are the behaviors they were describing from 2016 to 2020. I am using descriptions from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, which the professionals used to describe Trump’s behaviors and I am also utilizing my article I wrote on January 8, 2024.

Behavioral Analysis of Trump

Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance
Trump exhibits an exaggerated sense of self-importance, often expecting to be recognized as superior without justifiable achievements. For instance, his refusal to accept the 2020 election results despite unmistakable evidence of his loss exemplifies this trait. This unrealistic view of himself allows him to act against democratic principles without regard for consequences.

Belief in His Specialness
He believes that he is ‘special’ and should only associate with other ‘special’ people. This is evident in his selective praise for individuals who support his agenda and his disdain for those who don’t. This arrogance and domineering attitude have enabled him to manipulate many into supporting his dangerous ideologies. He has controlled and dominated the brains of millions in America by focusing on their fear of loss of white privilege, money, and beliefs that are held by the major of Americans (example 72% of Americans support appropriate abortion laws that allow the woman and her doctor to make the decision about her health.)

Preoccupation with Fantasies of Success and Power
Trump is constantly preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success and power. His ongoing efforts to undermine the 2020 election results and his refusal to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power if he loses again highlight his obsession. This behavior poses a significant threat to the democratic process. He will use the power of the position of President to do anything that he deems is important to him without consideration of all the people in our country. January 6th and his refusing to support a peaceful transition in 2024, if he loses, gives an example of his mission to continue to be President no matter the fact that 7 million people voted for Biden and the electoral college numbers showed Biden won. Trump has threatened Liz Cheney to convict her with a military tribunal, which is another way of him saying he will militarize the justice department to convict his naysayers, since they do not support him. In the Texas Survey, on July 2nd, 2024, “Liz Cheney Warns That Voting for Trump in 2024 Could be ‘Last Vote You’ll Ever Cast.” She goes on to say, “Trump won’t leave office. He already tried not to leave the office once. So, I think there’s a lot of living in a fantasy world that’s going on with Republicans telling themselves, ‘Look, we’ll vote for him, it won’t be so bad.” She ends by saying “It will be the last vote you every get to cast. It will be that bad.

Required Need for Excessive Admiration
Trump’s need for constant admiration is evident in his behavior and interactions. He often surrounds himself with individuals who will praise him unconditionally and dismisses those who offer constructive criticism. This has led to a lack of accountability and further emboldens his dangerous actions. You have already heard multiple resources I have given you that say he will make certain there are no members of his cabinet or staff that will do what his previous group did in 2020. The resignations of longtime supporters of his administration during his four years and on Wednesday, January 6th, showed their realization that he was beyond reason and will do anything to get what he wants.

Sense of Entitlement
His unreasonable expectations for favorable treatment are clear in his dealings with both his supporters and detractors. The recent Supreme Court decision granting him immunity is a testament to his sense of entitlement and his influence over certain institutions. Military leaders from both the Republican and Democratic parties presented statements to the Supreme Court that said this would be a dangerous action to give a president this kind of immunity. Listeners, you need to understand that no person with Trump’s behavior I am describing feels the consequences of their actions or can process through their feelings and come to rational decisions. Trump only loves what feeds his ego. Please remember that on January 6th the more he unraveled the more he refused to hear the members of his cabinet and his advisors.

Interpersonal Exploitativeness
Trump exploits others to achieve his own ends, evident in his manipulation of the Republican Party and his use of violent rhetoric to galvanize his base. His actions have created a hostile and divisive political climate. There is no free discussion in the Republican party of anything, and subjects are avoided that are not approved by Trump. His stream of lies is the gaslighting that he did at the debates. I have seen MAGA Republicans gaslight all the time when they don’t want to give a truthful answer or only want to overwhelm the person, they are talking with so the person will not come back and argue points that would destroy the MAGA Republicans beliefs about Trump or what they believe themselves.

Lack of Empathy
Trump’s inability to empathize with others is starkly apparent in his comments about military families and his disregard for the safety of others during the January 6th insurrection. This lack of empathy further illustrates his unsuitability for leadership. On January 6th, 2020, Trump showed no concern with the safety of the police, the members of Congress, or the buildings where the people who represent us as United States citizen were doing their best to respect us and follow through with our democratic process. Trump has no respect for the rule of law, and is incapable of owning his criminal actions in his business dealings. His stacking the Supreme Court is one way he is attempting to guarantee that he will be elected so heed the quote I gave you previously that Bill Penzey made earlier in his podcast.

Arrogant and Haughty Behaviors
His blatant arrogance and enjoyment of inciting violence among his supporters are deeply troubling. Trump’s disregard for the impact of his words on his followers shows a dangerous level of irresponsibility.

Trump’s behaviors, as described by mental health professionals, paint a picture of a deeply disturbed individual. It is crucial for the public to understand these behaviors and their implications. In future podcasts, I will delve deeper into the ideologies of his supporters and the potential consequences of his return to power. Stay informed and vigilant as we navigate these challenging times.

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